Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What's better than pickles?

If you're wondering who the most annoying person in the world is, it's the lady that sits next to me in my Children's Lit class. Her two favorite things are stating the obvious, and the sound of her own voice, which coincidentally are two of my least favorite things. We watched Coroline today (which if you haven't seen, it's really beautiful. there's a definite place in my heart for great cinematography especially in animation) which she proceeded to talk through and laugh inappropriately loud at unfunny times in her stupid piggish way. Normally i'm good at dealing with people's annoyances, but an hour and fifteen minuets of her trash talk over something i wanted to see was just too much. I left in a huff and not even Lola by the kinks could get me out of it (works 9 times out of 10).

I got home, and there standing before me was the new light in my life: my deep fryer. Now i've been pretty lazy the past few days, jumping off stuff my parent's have been doing, and selfishly blogging about it, but today, today it was time for me to get off my lazy ass, and make some shit. What's better than pickles you ask? Deep Fried Pickles.

So first you make and egg wash with:
1 egg
1 cup milk
dash lemon pepper
dash dill weed
pickle juice to taste

Whenever i hear the words "pickle juice" i think of the time one of my bff's princess was dating this gargantuan guy. Anyway we were at my other bff Melty's house and they both arrived after us, and hadn't eaten all day. So Melty was like, "help yourself to my fridge, but i don't really have anything." So this guy picks up an empty jar of pickles, takes a swig of the juice, and (i shit you not) puts it back in the fridge. SOOOOO GROSSSS. Princess that was not my favorite of your boyfriends, but the stories are pretty priceless.

Any way wisk it, wisk it good. Make the dry mix:

1 cup corn meal
2/3 cup flour
2 tbs lemon pepper
3 tbs dill weed
2 tsp paprika
2 tsp garlic powder

mix then dip wet, drip dry, and repeat. Cool in fridge for 30min, then FRYING TIME!!!

I was so excited for this, i can't even tell you. The Anticipation was killing me. But fry we did, for 3 1/2 mins. Serve with ranch, and fish it you want.


  1. haha! this is hilarious. i have no memory of this, thank god :) nasty! i want some fried pickles... but i'll have to get a fryer! because i have no thermometer! one day! miss youuuuu :)
