I love a fried egg sandwich probably more then you'll ever know, and on this magnificent day i have off, it seemed the prime mode of celebration. So start by getting your gigantic block of cheddar out of the fridge, and let's get slicing.

Cut 'um thin, you'll always win. While that's going pop some bread in the toaster, i used Russian Rye (aka 'the only way to rye'), and warm up a frying pan on medium heat. Don't for get to Pam-nation, or you'll be in a real pickle (deep fried, of course).
Break your egg into the pan and season with salt n' pepper (SJ's favorite band). So eggs are basically the easiest thing to make, and the most difficult thing to perfect.
Did you knooOOOoooow:
Did you know that the folds in a chef's hat represent the number of ways she can properly cook an egg? That's the sign of a true chef. Now you knooOOOoooow. (PBS shout out!)

i let mine get almost all white on top before i flip them, but people are pretty particular (crazy) when i comes to eggs. Fuck 'em. Then toss on the cheddar and let melt.

Meanwhile spread your bread! I'm not what you would call a 'mayo' person. I kind of hate it, actually. I think it's because my sis used to spread it on white bread for a snack, and one day i thought it was butter and took a big ole bite of nasty. That being said, i do think it adds a little to this sandwich, because what brings out the taste of egg like egg? Use in moderation.

And then, whoah curve ball! What i thought was mayo was actually Dijonase, which WTF is that? This was too much for me at 11 o'clock in the morning, and i spent way too much energy trying to reason if i should add more dijon or just leave as is. I left, it was good. After all that contemplation your egg should be done. Stack that shit with some lettuce and enjoy!

Really your lucky i even stopped to take this picture, it took almost all of my will power. I was totally saving that up to0! Jerks.
That dijonnaise caught me so off guard that I had to stop reading this at work because I was laughing so hard. It was equally as hard to take at 3pm as at 11am. Also, they still make that shit? Who knew.