Saturday, February 12, 2011


Today it is my privilege to present to you my first guest blogger: My dad. And wouldn't you know it? We're making Tequil-ees. Sweet! This blog was originally planned for Thursday, but my mom was craving the boxed wine, so we pushed it back (she wears the pants in our family). I got home about 15min before we made these, and the were already 3 down. Anyway to make fool proof Margaritas ala Pappy, you'll need a blender, some alch-y, and a sweet dancing beat.

Step 1: Fill blender with ice.

Put 1 cup Tequila in blender.

Triple Sec! There's a discrepancy here. My mom says 1/4 cup, but papa pappy says 1/2, and since he's the margarita man, we'll go with that:

Time for the secret ingredient. 1/s container of pure minuet maid frozen lime-aid. We're serious about this guys, no substitutions.

Dance Break!!

Also, make sure the blade of the blender is screwed on properly. All i can say is, of course this happened.

But regardless, the flawless insert tequila drink name here made it to the glass. Time to sip:

Savor (i mean really let it roll aver your tongue).

And enjoy:

Shout out to my Dad for a wonderful blog and evening.


  1. what is 1/s, trying to keep it a secret!? j/k

  2. Ahhh, ya got me, typo... 1/3.

    Also you are a Princess!!

  3. The dance breaks are my favorite part of margaritas.
