So then she announces, "I'm making weiner schnitzel for dinner!" And the stadium roared!!! AHHHHHHH, go Nance! Actually i had no idea why she choose that particular thing, but i'm a go with the flow kinda girl.
"Hey kid, when are you gonna be home?"
"Probably around 8."
"Ok, then i'll have dinner ready when you get home."
Then i went to work...
9 1/2 hours later i come home and my mom decided to go to church. Why? Who knows! We're not even religious, but my mom's like their go to girl for anything (a WASP through and through), so off she went, and here's what she left:
Everything prepped and ready to go, with little notes (i love her handwriting). Then my dad told me i could be his Valentine. So my dad cooked:
and i made old fashions, while we listened to Norah Jones.
are pans are off balanced.
So eventually i was like, "Why are we having Weinerschnitzel?" And he told me that when they were just married he took my mom and her mom (gram) to Switzerland for vacation. Anyway they were visiting this small town for the day, and had to run for the last train out, but my gram was old and couldn't run like she used to. So my mom was all hopping on the train, shouting at them, and my gram fell. So my mom hopped off the now moving train, and went over to help her, and my gram was SOOO PISSSSSSSED and wouldn't talk to her. So my dad had to be the go between, while my mom found a hotel that would book them for the night, because it's already like 10pm. So they get to this hotel, and gram slams herself in her room, and my parents go to dinner. My dad has Weiner-schnitzel, and totally falls in love with it. The next day they wake up, and starring at them from the window is this gorgeous view of the Matterhorn. And my gram was sooo excited she forgot to be mad anymore, and my dad was like, "how much were these rooms?" And my mom wouldn't tell him for like 5 years (500 bucks a room!). So long story short, we eat weinerschnitzel on Valentines Day because it's my dad's favorite, and since he cooks for us everyday, my mom makes it just for him.
only this time my dad made it for us. What a guy. We were just finishing up, and plating when my mom came home, and my dad got his real Valentine back.
True story.
That is such an adorable story!
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