Saturday, February 19, 2011


You know how certain things remind you of people? Like Ricky Lake and Snickers remind me of ES, and Bon Jovi reminds me of DPL & KSB. And of course Eddie Money has got KMac all over it. They say it's an even more intense memory with smells, like when i smell Lauren by Ralph Lauren i think of my mom, cause she wore the perfume alot when i was growing up (which i take as a personal victory).

Anyway, there was some smell at work yesterday that totally reminded me of my Yiayia, who was just about the sweetest lady in the entire world, and a Master Cook to boot.

That's her at my sister's wedding shower with my aunt and DPL's buddy 'The Spreenster.'

So she taught me how to cook two things Faki (Lentil Soup), and Spanocorizo (Spinach and rice) which is just about my favorite thing to eat. So after that smell i legit dove for the spinach (Shout out to Neil for lending me 50 cents!). And i woke up this morning to find that, by some miracle, PG Papps hadn't gotten up to any crazy shenanigans in the kitchen yet, so i make for you.

It's pretty simple, just five ingredients plus salata y pepperie.

Coat the bottom of a pot in olive oil, and soften up some onions (which is probably the best smell on earth).

Meanwhile rinse the starch of your rice because you don't need that shit.

I use about a cup, but Yia used to put a handful per person (which is so much cooler), but our hands are different sizes. Once your onions are nice and moist pour in 24oz of tomato sauce and 16oz of water. Bring to a simmer and season to taste.

Add the rice to the pot, reduce the temp, and cover until rice is cooked.

Stir occasionally so it doesn't stick (which is like the opposite of what you normally do with rice). Once the rice is cooked throw some spinach on top and cover/steam. You can put in as much Spinach as you want, and you want, trust me (I used the whole bag).

Fun Fact! Spinach is a nutrient enriched veg, but they are not easily broken down/absorbed do to a thick cellular wall. To get the full effect you should cook it, juice it, or eat it raw with a glass of orange juice/something acidic.

Stir it all together, and recheck your seasoning. And Walah! Healthy and delish, not fillet of fish.