Thursday, February 17, 2011

Garden Round 2!

So this was my first garden:

And this is what happened to it:

Needless to say Harvey's been banned from my room (that's two now kittie). Anyway today was really nice, so i made my way to the shed to do some planting!

It's more of a storage shed, but you've got to work with what you've got. This time around i wanted to plant a few more things, i've heard that you can plant a pototoe/garlic/onion as is, and it'll grow, so i gave it a try. But first i needed some more pots, and had to make my way through the rain infested trenches to get them:

It was leak city it there, but no bugs to be seen, I mean hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.

If a blackberry falls off a bush it can grow a new one in that same spot, so theoretically this will work:

But we'll see. As for the onion i just got a pack of seeds, and we'll see out of these four which grows the best. Then i also planted these guys:

Which will hopefully turn out. Do normal people plant in the winter? I don't know, if you meet one you should probably ask them. To tell you the truth i just couldn't wait. I'm super excited to grow something from the start, then cook with it. "Work hard, eat hard!" that's what i say. Also i'm planting some pickling cucumbers, so hopefully they'll make it, and we'll jar... maybe even fry! Oh the possibilities...

So then i signed, watered, moved everything upstairs, took a shower. True story.

*Stay tuned tonight for a special guest blogging session and some good ole southern cooking.


  1. I laughed so hard when I saw that Harvey pic. Your garden looked so nice, but that was comic gold. Now isn't a bad time to start seeds, you can gradually transplant them outside in spring.

  2. Good to know! They're starting to sprout a bit in the tray. The only bucket that's growing is the garlic one.
