One of those things was to make a totally awesome cocktail for Nancy and PG (G pronounced Jay) called the St. Germain Cocktail. Guess what's in it!!
So my infatuation with St. Germain began with the bottle:
because it's just pretty. I didn' t even know what was in it at first, and i don't care. Elderflowers. Not only are Elderflowers only available two weeks a year, BUT! french men have so deliver them on bicycles because they're so fragile. I don't quite understand how this makes sense but go with it.
Anyway it started popping up in menus every fucking place i went, and i thought that's it! I'll finally shell out the 30 bucks for a bottle of liqueur (I can be cheap), and I've never looked back. It's sweet, and kind of reminds me of lyches, but not. French lyches maybe? no. Anyway it adds a little something to just champagne alone, but i think the cocktail's the way to go. Also you don't need that much so the bottle lasts for a while, and you get to keep it: hooray!
So start with a half an iced glass (i prefer 3/4) of Champagne, or in this case Prosecco:
pour in St-Germain to an inch from the top. Pour in club soda (went high end class with that ingredient brand!), and garnish with lemon twist. By twisting the lemon you release the oil, which flavors the drink. At first i was like, "Bull Shit," but it actually does add a little something. How very French. The real recipe is:
2 parts Champagne
2 parts St Germain (too much)
1 part Club Soda
Lemon Twist
How aaaabbbsolutely decadent. How Deliciously Delightful! How divinely Debutant! Delicately Debonair! Distinctively Devour-able.
In other words 100% class.
au revoir!
vous ĂȘtes un pamplemousse!
Firstly, I'm pretty sure that you're the grapefruit in this situation. Secondly, that looks Delectably Divine.