So anyway that's about as much of that post that was actually written yesterday. Anyway L's studio is on Beacon st, so we were able to watch a good part from her fire escape, which was pretty cool. At one point i climbed out there by myself to "scope the scene," and L sticks her head out the window and is like, "You're, like, on the news." Five minuets of fame accomplished! Glad i got that shit out of the way. So the most exciting person was Kim Smith, and i was like, "I don't care about anything, as long as we get to see Smith run by." And you know what happens? She fucking twists her ankle and drops out, bitch (Jk, guys, jk that really sucked, but also disappointing).
Eventually the charity runners started arriving, so we went down to the street. LMast works for Boston Children's Hospital, so let me just say they were getting unconditional amounts of love at mile 24. I don't think words will describe the next few hours as well as these pictures:

New friends, good times. That being said i think i've come to the realization that i'm too old for this shit. I mean as much fun as being drunk for 3 days sounds, it is the opposite of that when you're waking up at 6am to drive 4 hours home. Ugh. Besides, i think i've drank on enough streets in my life that it's acceptable to hang up my 'street drinking shoes.' I seriously got home and passed out for like 4 hours, then had to do homework. Then i was like, "Dad can you wake me up at 9am? This sucks, it's my week off and i have to spend the whole thing doing homework." and he was like, "What are you talking about, you just started five minuets ago." and you know what? Enough comments from the peanut gallery. Hopefully i can just power through this shit so i can live my life. Off until Saturday, Huzzah!
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