Anyway i arrived at about 5 (i accidentally took the GW instead of the Tapanzee, so my time was out the window 41/2 hours? What the hell is that) and my aunt's like, "We'll go get stuff for dinner, but let's pick up Chlo from crew first," Which, big mistake. There were more cars on the road then, like, air or something. Also why is it as soon as you cross the border into Mass everyone's driving immediately turns to shit? I swear i passed the 'Welcome' sign and then almost got side swiped on both sides. Also some lady literally was stopping short every two seconds, changed lanes with no one in front of her, then stopped dead in the road and changed to the next lane. I just don't understand. Anyway we did some off roading and shoulder driving ourselves through Cambridge, but if you saw the traffic you wouldn't hold it against us. Then we get to the store and there's like a tower of canned corn in the vestibule and it's like, "What's going on with the world?" I just don't' know anymore. But we made it home with no gas, and before the company, and after like 7 hours in a car i was like, LET'S COOK THIS SHIT!
So we started on the Paradella with Meat Ragu from the William's Sonoma Cookbook but not really, cause my aunt was like, "Hey, i already have this awesome tomato sauce i made," and we used sausage instead of ground pork, which good move. So my cousin Mikey was like, I'll cut the onions with this serrated knife!" And i was like, "Really? Isn't that going to spray onion juice everywhere?" and he just shrugged his shoulders and was like, "Huh, doesn't bother me." And it didn't, and i am SO jealous because i like touch an onion and start to cry. Better gene's on the other side i guess.
So then my aunt ended up making the sauce, and i made the pasta which we bought at a liquor store.
Mikey and i made some sauce adjustments:
The Spreenster, Stobbes, and her beautiful sister-in-law (because at one point my aunt went up to her and was like, "Have some more wine, you're beautiful!") then arrived.
Stobbes and Spreeny are my sister's best friends from college which i've now inherited, hand-me-down friends! (Jk guys, you are so much better then the cat sweaters and knotted t-shirts of yester-year.) So yeah, they came, we played uno:
i dropped pasta:
we ate:
Anyway the results of Trivial Pursuit are, well, trivial. It was me, the Spreenster, Stobbes, and Mikey:
vs. the rest, and the Beautiful Anonymous turned out to be a fucking genus. That and whenever they were guessing at an answer Stobbes would be like, "Hey that's a good guess!" and we'd be all, "Stobbes!" And she'd be like, "Sorry," but then immediately forget and do it again.
This morning i woke up and my Aunt was like, "My car's out of gas." So i was like, "Well can we make it to the gas station?" And she was like, "No, i had to take your car this morning." and i was like, "You did?" and she was like, "Welcome to the world Lauren Pappas." and i was like, "I'll go get you some gas." And then me and Mikey went and i bought him like the entire store of junk food. So have fun with that later Aunt Mary! ha, good story.
Anyway i just went to upload the pics from my aunts camera, and there were like 17 pics of this:
Creepy! If i become a missing person be sure to czech in piles of pine cones...
that is the funniest picture! hahhaahahah