Sunday, June 19, 2011

It's Father's Day!!

Ugh, where to begin?? First off i got a new camera because my friend LK is probs the coolest person in the world... after me of course. Anyway it has this awesome monitor on the front so you can take shots like these:

oBvs my parent's don't know how to stand still, what can you do? Also could i get myself at a worse angle? probably. I named him SAM because when you upload pics they come out SAM 00000019 or some number. Anyway Nanc, you can take your camera and shove it! (but also thanks for dealing with me using it for the past 6 months).

So yesterday was CRAZY. And i mean really. It was LMast's bridal shower and her family is literally insane, especially her aunt who proceeded to grab huge empty wine bottles the size of my torso, and knock butter knives against them to make toasts like, "Lauren's my god niece!" and "Get a pre-nup!" In front of her fiance's entire family. Awesome. Also bridesmaid-zilla was crazily bossing me around all night, and i was too buzzed to be taking that shit. I almost decked her, but on another note, she totally TCBed the shit out of that shower, so 6 in one, half a dozen and all that. I told popou i was going to a shower and he was like, "You and your showers, just don't use all the hot water!" and then a series of how short/long showers should be and how certain people take forever. Oh Popou.

Anyway i went home and slept then went over to meet LMast's new kitten Jerry. Adorbs!

He's a stray kitten from the millions of tabby's outside who had an eye infection, so they saved him. Also her entire house in under construction, so only the Mast's would find that time totally approps to adopt a kitten, but hey! i'm not complaining. I need to take a sec to describe Mrs. Mast to you, because one word: Classy. Think 1950's house wife but totally glamored out. Just wonderful. Also has one million cats living outside, and therefore crazy classy cat lady.

LMast got that shirt at her shower and it says "Jersey Girl: I don't pump gas." And since she makes comments like, "I don't go outside." or "I don't run." it fits perfectly.

OKAY!! back to father's day! Can i say me and DPL just got my dad the most amazing present ever? I've been planning it for like 6 months, but TOTALLY worth it. 

Words can't even describe. Anyway he LOVES it. I went with the upper Maker's Mark 46 because i've been dying to try it/full size bottles don't fit into the globe, which i'm a little TOed about, but life's not perfect. No shit.

Nanc has been making Phil pee around the yard because apparently it keeps deer away, but he totally hates doing it. Anyway the rain has made our bird bath like sink into the ground so when he saw it while we were putting pop's gift together he was like, "Is this your gift to me Nanc, a urinal? you shouldn't have." 

She actually got him a speaker dock for his ipod, which he's ecstatic about, but doesn't' know how to use at all. He doesn't even know how to use his ipod actually. Anyway at least we don't have to listen to the crappiest speakers attached to a 2 dollar disc man anymore. Good call Nanc.

We got popou this canopy:

Which is a piece of shit. I can't even begin to tell you how much of a bitch this was. You know when you're doing something and you're like, 'i do NOT want to be doing this right now, but i absolutely have to." This canopy.

Anyway it's alright now, and it'll keep him dry when he smokes cigars in the rain. "DPL" and i also got him a shirt and hat from SF. Really though my dad bought them like 2 years ago and never gave it to him. Anyway he opened it up and i was going to take a pic, but dad was like, "Hold up the shirt." and this is what he did:

I just want to give him a big hug. Also i got him a godiva filled raspberry chocolate bar, and he was like, "I love this chocolate, why only one?" Anyway Nanc made french toast for breakfast with this Amaretto sauce that was simply to die for.

And i made coffee:

And life is good.

Hope you all have a wonderful Father's Day, especially if you're actually a father. Anyway Phil, you're the best dad in the world, and i love you more then that phrase or a globe bar can ever say.


  1. I'm glad it all worked out. When I asked dad how he liked the bar on the phone he said thanks in a way that was like, "yeah . . . thanks I guess." Glad to know he actually likes it. Also, why just one?

  2. because they're like 17 dollars (and by that i mean 4$).
