Monday, June 27, 2011

Homemade Ricotta, bitches!

   That's right buddy, homemade-fucking-ricotta, because that's how i roll. So i got home at like 11am (here's a tip: when pouring sweet tea vodka into two snapples, don't use the hole bottle.), and Phil was of course having his morning coffee in the gazebo (because that's how he rolls.), but anyway he was like, "Hey kid, there's some beer in the fridge for you because your mother decided to bring a 12 pack to a kegger and make me look like an idiot." Which 1: awesome. and second, why were my parents at a kegger you ask? I just don't know, and for the life of me i cannot comprehend how that situation could even remotely present itself to them, but at a kegger they were and now i have some "good" (haven't tried it yet) beer, so wins all around!
  Anyway, i was like, "I really want to cook some shit (not literal)!" and he was like, "Oh, there's a half a roast chicken sandwich in the fridge." and i was like, "No, i want to cook." and he was like, "There's cereal." and i was like, "You're not hearing me." and he was like, "I could make some fak-i (lentil soup)." and i just walked away at that point. The end. 
  So I saw this in Smitten Kitchen last week, and got SUPER excited. Then DPL was like, "that would go perf with the roasted veggie sandwich i made, and an idea was born. i get back from the grocery store, and start making it:

3 cups whole milk
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 tsp sea salt

Heat to 190 degrees
turn of heat, add:
3 tsp fresh squeezed lemon juice

Let sit 5min, strain in cheese cloth (paper towel because you're a fucking moron and you forgot to pick up the one thing you went to the grocery store to buy) for one hour:

Meanwhile roast some squash and red peppers. Just brush with good olive oil, salata y peppery, and roast for about 20min on each side. My yellow squash broke a bit in the rabanador, big fucking surprise.

Anyway, then Phil comes in and is like, "Oh, you're cooking?" and i'm like... "yeah." and he's like, "Why are you baking the veggies?" and i'm like, "You've got to be fucking kidding me." and he wasn't. So instead of roasted veggies it's a baked veggie sandwich, and i need pay more attention to things.
  Make sure you go out and buy yourself some good, fresh bread because you just fucking made homemade ricotta, and enjoy every bite, because it's incredible. 

1 comment:

  1. My sandwich was grilled veggies with pesto goat cheese just so we all get that straight. Also, tell dad he can move in with me if he wants to be my cook. His payment will be unlimited use of the jacuzzi bath.
