Tuesday, June 28, 2011

1000 Pictures of Trees.

 So today my parents woke me up at 6am so we could go to Delaware, and by Delaware i mean Pennsylvania. Because we love it. We love excursions to Pennsylvania, apparently. Anyway i found this out this morning when i waited an hour for Nanc to brush her hair, or whatever, and decided to check if Longwood Gardens is anywhere near one of DogFish Head's Brew Pubs, because when in Rome... Anyway it's not because it's in Pennsylvania. So during the 5 min time period i was looking this up both of my parents came into the office like twice, and were like, "What are you doing, we already have directions." and i'm like, "I know, i'm just doing some research." And they're like, "But we have the directions." And so i just walked away from the computer at that point, because 6am is too early for that shit.
  So we leave at 7am and it should take us 2 hours to get there and instead it takes us 4 hours because ___.
  At some point we stop at the Narnia Panera and my dad's like, "Harvey would love this place." And at first i'm like, "What are you talking about?" but then i realize there are little birds everywhere. So Dad's like, "We're giving them the crumbs." Then before my mom can even take the last bite of her pastries he grabs her plate and is like, "Nanc, you're hiding a fucking gold mine over here." and dumps it all on the ground scaring the birds. Then he's like, "Don't be afraid guys, eat up!" and like the fucking bird charmer, they all come back and have a feast. True story.
   Eventually, after passing through a thunderstorm, we arrive at the gardens which are just fucking phenomenal. So worth everything that has happened so far today (which includes crazy driving and Sheryl Crow). Of course i take pictures of everything because i'm telling you this place was nuts, and not at any one point was i like, "Oh, i've already got that." or "That doesn't need to be captured in picture form." Because it did, all of it. That's when Phil was like, "What are you gonna call this blog, '1000 pictures of trees?'" Yes. That's what i'm calling this blog. Also here's the irony, here's the fucking slap. Are you ready? Nanc lost the camera cable. So here i sit with One Thousand gorgeous fucking pictures of trees, and lily-pads, and Italian water gardens, and tree houses, and fountains, and topiary, and Japanese dog woods, and whatever else herbology related phenomenon (i used that word twice) you can think of with no fucking way to show them to you. We think the cable's at her work, here's hoping.
 So we walk about half the gardens, and have no idea what time it is, but the parentals are tired, and there's this nice restaurant in the middle, so we hit that shit up. My mom stops at one point and is like, "Is that aloe?" and my dad's like, "Allo, can we go to the restaurant already." Which was one of many terrible tree jokes of the day, I wish we could remember them all for you because they were priceless. At one point Phil takes a drink out of one of the water fountains and is like, "This is ice cold, like the movies! This place is fucking perfect down to the foot petal toilet flusher." Couldn't have said it better myself. 
 So we eat, and i do end up getting to try a dogfish head Raison something, which is really good and my parents have peach sangria (that tastes like arbor mist) to celebrate their anniversary. We finish lunch, and we're all fucking beat. We try to guess the time, and my mom's like, "It's gotta be like 5." But it's actually 3:07. So we go watch the fountain show, which is nice, but would have been so much cooler if we were there for the night one. Then we head home, and i find out we take the longest route possible because we avoid toll roads, which is oBviously worth the extra gas. I stole some pictures from their website because i thought you should at least see what this place is like, but oh man mine are soooo awesome. Hopefully i'll be able to show you one day... one day.


  1. raison d'etre...awesome beer

  2. I'm pretty sure you took liberties with dad's swearing in which case I call skata kefali on you. Also, I think that last picture sums up this whole post perfectly.
