Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday Evening with Saturday Afternoon.

It's cocktail hour!  Some of these photo's are shitty as i had to take them on my phone due to Nanc's adept camera hiding abilities. So the inspiration for this is banana liquor because we had like an almost full bottle sitting around because mom bought it for some dessert, and i've been "on the hunt" for a use of it ever since. Recently i stumbles across this site that just has a lot of random cocktails/recipes, but for some reason you can't actually search for them? Which is weird/stupid, but luckily i had the foresight to email it to myself. Good think'n Laur. Anywho you need:

1oz banana liquor
2oz Coconut Rum (it specifies Malibu, but what am i, a college freshman? We don't have any fucking Malibu just sitting around the house. We do, however, have coconut Bacardi because Phil's a Class act, capital c.
1oz Gold Rum
Splash of Grenadine
3oz Orange Juice
4-6oz Gingerale
An Orange slice

So this recipe is already going to be a little ghetto because i'm to lazy to go to the store. Also it makes 1 drink in a hurricane glass, but 4 shots? I dont' think so. Phil and i didn't want to get plastered, just celebrate the beginning of my weekend (everyday is a weekend for him). We had minute maid concentrate OJ, so that's covered, and of course coconut rum (random) and Banana liquor (also random). We do have grenadine, which i don't know why, but even more randomly it's pomegranate grenadine, which why anyone would need is beyond me, but, well there you go. Also the only two other rums we had were Meyer's Dark and this Dominican Republic rum that Eileen brought back for us that looks gold to me, so win!

Nice netting! We always have ginger ale in the Pappas house. I'm more of a Canada Dry kinda girl, but Nance loves the Schwepps, and really she's the queen of the castle. I'm a brat about mini-bottles though, so we've come to a compromise. And there was again piece in the kingdom. Anyway this says to stir, then add ginger-ale, but anyone who's anyone knows it's better to shake it, duh.

I have this really nice Boston shaker my ex got me after i graduated bar-tending school, which i could not find anywhere, and immediately put Phil on the hunt for. Then he's like, "I don't know kid, but i should have a martini shaker somewhere..." Which we also couldn't find because apparently Nanc decided to Bogard the shakers, i guess hiding cameras lost some of it's allure (i joke, Nanc, i joke). Anyway dad eventually found them in the living room (why, where do you keep your cocktail shakers?) one inside the other. So of course i gave him the honor of shaking, you're welcome.

So serious. Then i was like, "Hey dad, get a pic of me showing off my mad bar-tending skills! And he did, but was like, "I don't know what happened, something got in the way of the camera."

His thumb. Gotta love parent's and technology. Whenever Eileen (who provided the rum)'s daughter KSB tells her she's computer illiterate Eileen says, "Not illiterate, i just speak broken computer." Which, true (and totally an old person joke).   Garnish with orange wedge, and ta-da!!

To truly taste something, according to Phil, you have to close your eyes to, "Awaken your senses."

Good stuff! Complete with the Phil seal of approval.

1 comment:

  1. Firstly, you know "Mambo Italiano" was in his head, if not sung aloud during the shaking. Secondly, you need to get a picture of him trying to figure out ingredients with the eyes closed AND the finger rubbing.
