Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Nothin' like a good ole' French 75.

 I got stuck in the library with Nanc for like 3 hours today. We went originally because i wanted a book which should have taken 2 minuets, but then she got on the ole' interweb, and became obsessed with, and well... that was that. I started researching new cars, motorcycles, beer, books, and finally cocktails. That's when i stumbled on Prohibition, which is one of my favorite historical times. It's just so shady... like me! Anyway i love it, and their cocktails are also the best, which is why i'm making this one for my friend DC who's coming over for dinner tonight. She came all the way from Brooklyn just for me!! (Okay, so she might have to babysit her parents dogs, but whatever. Same difference).

Dinner was supposed to be having spaghetti and meatballs, but then we got home from the library there was meatloaf and meatballs on the counter and:

Nanc: These meatballs are for us.
Me: Are you sure? I thought they were for dinner.
Nanc: No, the meatloaf is for dinner, these were just extras.
Me: I don't think...
Nanc: No, i'm right

And i was hungry, so what can I say? We ate all the meatballs. Anyway a little while later my dad came in and was like, "What happened to all the meat balls?" and long story short, we're now having Spaghetti and "Meatballs" for dinner, aka Spaghetti and cut up pieces of meatloaf. Also sausage, because now we don't have enough food. GO MEAT!

I saw Thor 3D last night - eh. I think the more you pay Natalie Portman for a film the worse her acting ability is. Or it could be a toss up: Heads = Acadamey Award Winner, Tails = No Strings Attached. This is completely unrelated, but just thought i'd share.

So, the French 75, what a stunner! Really though, it's delicious and doesn't taste like alcohol. A real Femme Fatale, if you will (my apologies, Phil and i have been watching a lot of old movies as of late). Anyway, i'm making a pitcher of these babies, so combine:

6oz dry gin (or tanquery because it's the only thing in the house).
1-2oz fresh squeezed lemon juice (not today junior. We used the good ole' fashion minuet maid squeeze bottle).
Simple Syrup to taste (bring 1cup sugar and one cup water to boil, simmer covered for 5min, let cool).

Mix it all up. Fill a Campaign flute (mom let me use the good crystal for this one, just for you DC!) one quarter of the way:

Top with the finest bubbly money can buy:

Garnish with a Maraschino cherry and an orange slice (we didn't have any maraschino cherries, but what can you do?):

And ta-da! Now i want to watch Dick Tracey... I blame you for this THOR!!!

And i think it goes without saying that this is the perfect beverage with which to enjoy the Phillie's game.


  1. i'm so late in responding! the pasta and miscellaneous meat was delicious, and the french 75 (i've been calling it french 45, whoops) was magnifique. THANKS QUEEEE


  2. Firstly, DC's parents have DOGS?!?!?! I just remember suicidal guppies being the last pet adventure. Secondly, I love French 75's. Sneak in Mom and Dad's luggage tomorrow and come make me one.
