Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Great Strawberry Adventure.

So today is a sad/weird day for me because my friend Emily Specchio, really my sister, died five years ago today.

But this is not a sad blog (but maybe a little weird), and Em was a hilarious/amazing person, so I figured i'd tell you one of my favorite stories. I have about one billion of them, and i tell this one an awful lot, so i'm sorry if you've heard it before, but i just love it.

When we were in high school Emily used to work at this chocolat-ary: J Emanuel. Many a time we'd have a family party and she'd show up late covered in cocoa powder, and I'd be all, "Just in time for dessert!" and she'd be like, "I hate chocolate and you." (or some similar conversation). Anyway she started at their small shop in Chester, and worked her way up to the Morristown store, where apparently the lady in charge really liked her. So one day she comes over and is like:

Em: You guys won't believe what happened to me.
DPL & I: What.
Em: Let me just tell you this story...

The Morristown lady hated the Chester store, so she calls up Em before work and is like, "Hey i'm really sorry, but do you mind stopping by the Chester store on your way to work, because they're making these chocolate covered strawberries for us, and i need them now. So Em's like, "sure." and goes to pick them up. Anyway the Chester lady is apparently crazy, is yelling at Em for being late, they're like not even done with the strawberries yet, and telling Emily she needs to get them there as fast as possible cause the Morristown lady just called and is kind of pissed off. So eventually they get the Strawberries dipped, and hope that they'll dry in the car on the way to the other store.

Finally Emily leaves, but is in kind of a panic because she doesn't want to get in trouble for this shit. So she get's to 206, and it's like this impossible turn that you can never merge in and have to wait like half an hour. Em realizes she's going to have to cut someone off, and eventually seeing her chance, shoves her way between two cars. So the car behind her beeps, and she waves them off and is like, 'i know, i know, i cut you off, sorry.' But then the car keeps beeping, and she's like, 'alright fucker, i said i was sorry, what do you want from me?' Suddenly the whole line of cars behind her start beeping like crazy and she looks up and realizes the car in front of her is a hearse, and she's cut off an entire funeral procession.

So of course she pulls off at the next road, but takes the turn really fast, and all of the strawberries fly forward and end up all over the back seat of her car. So she's like cracking up, because it's one of those moments that, 'of course this is happening, of course.' and she tries to brush them off as well as she can, but they weren't dry yet, so they're a little fuzzy and gross. She eventually puts them back and drives to the Morristown store.

When she get's there the lady comes out and is like, "Hey, thanks for getting those for me." and she goes to take them out of the back and picks one up and is like, "Fucking Chester. That store can't do anything right."

So of course i had to make Chocolate Covered Strawberries:

Melt some chocolate in a double boiler:

Dip Strawberry and let the excess chocolate dry off:

Let dry on wax paper:

The front one looks a little "Chester Edition," but Nanc said the rest are pretty. Anywho... Life can be tough sometime, but the most important thing, i think, is to just live.

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