So we finally did it, all that's left now is the spluge from the previous shots i made and didn't feel like consuming at 3am. Also apparently i don't know how to measure properly because there's a shit ton of red, and like zero yellow, but you know what? Red tastes better anyway so fuck you. Here are some layered shots i 'attempted' but couldn't get the liquid weight right. At first i thought it was yellow, orange, purple, green, red because of the way they were strained (yellow had to be strained twice, and took the longest), but obviously that wasn't fucking right because they mixed.
So then i thought ok, well yellow was oBviously right... false! Apparently with in two seconds purple is now the heaviest. So i think, i THINK that the order is purple, yellow, red, orange, green... but what the fuck do i know?
Here's one of the pics from the before filtering layer attempt (also to layer you just put the tip of a spoon at the liquor in the shot glass, and slowly pour the next one on top. Heaviest on the bottom, if you can figure out what it is) this one, i think, looks the nicest.
That seems like a lot of skittle-dee-do. Feel free to send me the extra's c/o Gina's Cave.