Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Royal Pancakes

Last Wednesday was the first day i had off from everything in three months. So oBviously i was like, "I need to start this off with some Chocolate Chip Banana Pancakes!" like it was a title. (Shout out to Gwen for teaching me how to spell bananas!)

So i sought out the most delicious recipe, made sure we had bananas, and started compiling that mixture of delight! I didn't even qUEstion if we had chocolate chips. We have had chocolate chips in this house since 1981 when my parents bought it and Nancy P. L. Pappaster moved in and graced it with her baking excellence. It wasn't even a thought...


In hindsight, i was the blind one. Living through years of plentiful chocolate chip naiveté, because it was only when i got to the stage where you have to add chocolate chips that i realized there was none to be found. NONE! Alas poor Yorick, i knew them well.

But then, THEN! the brilliant light of day shined on through the kitchen window, and brought with it a simple realization: I had chocolate! And not just "chocolate," but pretty damned good chocolate in the form of a Cadbury Fruit and Nut Bar! Can you believe it? I'm still baffled.

And the recipe continued!

I've probably only made pancakes like twice in my life. This is because Phil (Philip G, if you will) loves them. He loves them! So if we're having pancakes, it's because he's made them (I personally think his best is Corn Pancakes, but DPL would disagree). So I knew to wait for the bubbles to come out of the top:

But i turned the burner on a little to high (turns out medium low is best):

  Also i made some PG tips because it's my fav tea of all time. I can only assume PG stands for Philip George, or as I like to call him: Dad. I didn't take any pictures though, because its a pretty intense process. I mean you have to steep the tea, then add sugar and just the right amount of milk (only a splash!) and really I forgot who has time for pictures?

But it came out perfectly, of course.

Here's a PG tip: Put your best looking pancake on top.

That is incredible. And edible! But don't be fooled... it's not the incredible edible egg (though they did go into the production of this fine feast)!

Nothing like delicious food, drink, and magazines to start off the day!

Here's a PG Tip: Don't eat all the dang pancakes! because it's really easy to do that, i mean throughout the day. You won't feel good about yourself after though, especially the digestion-al part of yourself. Trust me... Good thing PG himself stepped in to eat a few. Phew!

Besides, i've got to take care of myself. I'm an aunt now: