Thursday, June 30, 2011

I Hate Blogging Things

Hey guys! So I gave LK the run of my blog for this post (2 posts, as it turns out). I may (will) regret it, but "I have no regrets. If you regret things, you're sort of stepping backwards. I'm a believer in going forwards." That Kate Winslet quote may be a bit much, but i'm sort of in love with her (Um, the life of David Gale), so fuck off.

So, before we begin, I need to tell you that something awful happened to my laptop and the f key on my keyboard turns all f's to ƒ. I'm pretty sure it's German? I don't know. But it is highly irritating and every f you've seen prior to this point has been lovingly copied and pasted by yours truly. I don't have the energy or motivation to keep doing that, so ƒrom now on when the letter ƒ needs to make an appearance, it's going to be a German ƒ. This, coupled with the ƒact that ƒor some reason, this website is totally not user ƒriendly is making me want to scream.

Okay, so the events oƒ this blog actually transpired about 3 weeks ago, and it was one oƒ those things where you're like, "Ha ha! What a great time! Let's blog about it RIGHT NOW!", then it takes about 14 hours to email all the pictures you took and you start drinking beer and watching Three Sheets and nothing else matters. Anyway, my gem oƒ a ƒriend LP and I spent like the whole weekend together because we had all these plans to do awesome stuƒƒ that we never actually did. What did transpire was much better though, due in large part to everyone's ƒavorite grandpa, Papou (correct spelling, in case you were wondering). Let me tell you something about Papou: I love this man. I rolled up to LP's house in the afternoon and he was watering the rooƒ (everyday.), I'm guessing because it was too dry, and he thought I was Lauren, which is great because I am Lauren, just not the one he's used to. I went over to say hello, one thing led to another and I ended up on a tour oƒ his house looking at a bunch oƒ cool old pictures, all while LP waited patiently in her house, because "I wasn't about to go out there." Thanks, buddy. (First: by "waited patiently" you must mean putting my heart and sole into the finishing touches of the dessert i was making. Second: I wasn't about to go in there).

Aƒter we got our crap together, we went hiking and it was awesome...lots oƒ rock climbing and ƒallen tree walking and I'm pretty sure LP was standing bareƒoot in the river ƒor some reason but that's a story ƒor another day (I like standing in rivers).

This picture is monumental ƒor various reasons, but mostly because I have a ƒear oƒ walking on ƒallen trees (i can't get over these f's) and have been steadily working to overcome this ƒor months. Also, though it's hard to tell in this picture, my calves are massive. But I digress...

Onto the really good stuƒƒ, the ƒood, since this blog is (supposed to be) about making things. On Day 1 we ate like goddamn champions. Rib eyes on the grill, horseradish mashed potatoes and some vegetables I can't remember because it was too long ago...I believe zucchini made an appearance. I can't cook to save myselƒ so that's pretty much why I keep LP around (yeah, that's why.), but I do have a ƒew specialties that I whip out when the occasion arises. Let's start with the meat:

Look at these things. I mean really, look at them. Iƒ they aren't a thing oƒ beauty, I don't know what is (straight from the meat market). It almost brings a tear to your eye. I will say that ƒor as much as I hate to cook, I love to eat, so believe me when I tell you that iƒ you are grilling any kind oƒ steak, it needs to be a ribeye, no exceptions (except ƒor ƒilet mignon, but that's more expensive). Now that we have established that Step 1 is a gorgeous piece oƒ meat, it's time ƒor Step 2: the marinade, which in this case was birthed by LP.

Look at that determination.

I'm not gonna lie, I have no idea what this is (a bunch of herbs from the garden and good olive oil), but I do remember that it was delicious, and a good marinade is essential when grilling a steak. In retrospect, what we should have done is gotten the meat, marinated it, and then gone hiking, because you should always let your meat marinate ƒor as long as possible, but we didn't do that. I can't say that our meal necessarily suƒƒered at all ƒor it, but in all likelihood it would have been enhanced greatly iƒ it had more time (agreed). But, really, who cares.

Now that we have established Step 1 (gorgeous meat) and Step 2 (the marinade), you are ready ƒor Step 3, applying said marinade to the steak:

Tremendous skill, LP. Just tremendous (thanks.). When you are done it should look like this:

Aƒter applying your marinade to the steak (and remember, oBviously, to get both sides, dU-uh), you are almost - ALMOST - ready to start grilling. But don't get ahead oƒ yourselƒ. Let's pause ƒor a second to say hello to our dear ƒriend Harvey.

Hey, buddy. The thing about Harvey is she likes to come and go as she pleases, which I totally get. I mean, who doesn't. However, that leads to having to ƒrequently open and close the door so she can go in and out. Iƒ you should ever ƒind yourselƒ at LP's house, and Harvey asks you to let her out, please make sure that the door is completely closed behind her, like this:

Because iƒ you don't, you'll get a lecture about bugs getting in (which, being terriƒied oƒ bugs, really hit home ƒor me), and a nasty look like this:

Which ƒrankly, I could have done without (then next time close the fucking door), but it was all ƒor the greater good. With your keen eye, you have most likely noticed that what LP is holding in her hands are two ƒrosted glasses. Listen to me very careƒully: iƒ you are going to drink a beer, ƒrost your damn glass. Trust me. As someone who used to always drink beer directly out oƒ the bottle, I need to share with you that ƒrosting a glass and pouring that bad boy into it is pretty close to a religious experience. Look at this shit:

That one was LP's, but she graciously gave me the better one...

...yeah...thanks. (Not true, but anyways...) Anyway, the beer in question was an Allagash...something about bourbon...I can't remember and oƒ course didn't take a picture but iƒ you see a bottle that says "Allagash" and "bourbon" on it, buy it and drink it immediately. Unbelievable (It's called Allagash Curieux).

Back to the ƒood. We are onto Step 4, which is ƒiring up the grill (This actually happened like 2 hours late when LK was like, "So... are we gonna eat or what?"). This sounds like a simple task, and yet, it is more complex than you might imagine, ƒor you will not just throw your steak directly onto the grill. Who does that anyway? (A: everyone with a grill, except LP.)

What we're going to do here is take a piece oƒ aluminum ƒoil, place it on the grill, and then poke holes in it, like so:

But why? I'm glad you asked. Doing this keeps your grill cleaner, and there was at least one other reason that I don't remember, but when you're done you want that puppy looking like this (really though you want to use a serrated blade, and have even slits about the thickness of the grates. I was just being "lazy". Also spray with olive oil.):

Pure magic. Iƒ the joys oƒ cooking were lost on me, the timing oƒ ingredients and things is almost like trying to read a book in Arabic and then write a report on it, so I will leave that to LP. But grilling should always be an adventure, and while you're preparing a delicious meal, you might ƒind yourselƒ playing outside and doing a variety oƒ other ƒun and useƒul things, like holding a hoe (or a ho, whatever works ƒor you)...

(Side note: Could I look any gayer in this picture. Purposely posed as a statement rather than a question.)

Or perhaps putting a new belt on your lawnmower (Could i look any gayer in this picture? Not posed.)...

(Which, naturally, LP knows how to do...)

And then maybe discovering that while the belt is okay, the battery is dead...

And then you have to push the lawmower back to its original location (This fucking lawnmower.):

Are you cold? Chop some ƒirewood.

Great ƒorm!

Sorry, Harvey, but without opposable thumbs, you'll never sail away.

Okay, okay. So beƒore you do anything, it is absolutely imperative that you take a second and look hard at the grill (fuck you).

When you're done, it's time to move along to Step 5 - transƒerring the steaks to the grill. But don't just throw 'em on there, make sure you spray liberally ƒirst.

I will say that beƒore this was done, a variety oƒ other things happened, like we put the potatoes on the stove to boil like this...

...beƒore I began the process oƒ mashing them. You'll notice that they are shaped like ƒries, and this is because that it what LP originally intended (I wanted to use the Big Daddy Cool). But I was in a mashed potato mood, and iƒ they had remained ƒries, I wouldn't have made any contribution to dinner, which probably would have been just ƒine with me, but whatever. And I would also like to add that although Papou would (and did) vehemently disagree, I make a mean mashed potato. When your potatoes are boiled and soƒt enough you can start mashing. Luckily, and oƒ course, LP owns an electric mixer, which really makes liƒe easier. You need ƒour key ingredients to make good mashed potatoes: halƒ & halƒ (or whole milk, whatevs), salt, pepper, and a shitload oƒ butter. On this particular evening, I chose to make horseradish mashed potatoes (my ƒavorite, not so much ƒor Papou), and you will want to use approximately a ton oƒ it (that measurement is accurate). Really, just add it to taste.

Iƒ you're a gigantic asshole like LP, you will carelessly drop some oƒ your ƒriend's delicious creation on the ƒloor.

Ugh. It breaks your heart (no comment). Apparently I got really lazy (drunk) at some point and stopped taking pictures oƒ important things, like the ƒinal plate, and the dessert, which we'll talk about in a second, but here's what the plate looked like beƒore the steak:

Yum! And then here's the steak separately, because I'm a jerk:

This was quite the meal, I will say.

So i'm just going to stop you for a sec and tell you about what actually happened with Popou. So after we shove down all that delicious food, we realize we have enough to offer Pops a plate. So we drunkenly barge into his house, and wake him up by shoving the food in his face (Of course he loved every minute of it). Then LK keeps going on and on about how she made the mashed potatoes, and how they're going to be the best potatoes he's ever had in his life. Then she's all, "Do you like horseradish." and he's like, "No." and she's like, "Like i said, don't eat the potatoes." Then somehow we got roped into going to breakfast with him the next morning, and LK's like, "I'm an early riser, how about 9am (yeah right)." and Pops is like, "How about 10? (which means 9:30)." And i'm like, "Fine, let's go drink more." The end.

Okay, the dessert. In all honesty, even iƒ I had attempted a picture, I probably wouldn't have gotten one, because it was gone in about 6 seconds. Some kind oƒ rolled up strawberry shortcake, LP help me out here, (It was a strawberry shortcake in roll form.) but it was amazing. Like...amazing. My only complaint is that there wasn't enough oƒ it (there was an entire cake, but we managed to eat it over the course of two days, that and a whole casserole dish of Shepard's pie, but i digress...). There was, however, more than enough beer (really good beer), and we drank a lot oƒ it. A lot oƒ it (at no point in the evening were we like, "we should probably stop...). All in all, the night ended on a high note:

To be continued...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

1000 Pictures of Trees.

 So today my parents woke me up at 6am so we could go to Delaware, and by Delaware i mean Pennsylvania. Because we love it. We love excursions to Pennsylvania, apparently. Anyway i found this out this morning when i waited an hour for Nanc to brush her hair, or whatever, and decided to check if Longwood Gardens is anywhere near one of DogFish Head's Brew Pubs, because when in Rome... Anyway it's not because it's in Pennsylvania. So during the 5 min time period i was looking this up both of my parents came into the office like twice, and were like, "What are you doing, we already have directions." and i'm like, "I know, i'm just doing some research." And they're like, "But we have the directions." And so i just walked away from the computer at that point, because 6am is too early for that shit.
  So we leave at 7am and it should take us 2 hours to get there and instead it takes us 4 hours because ___.
  At some point we stop at the Narnia Panera and my dad's like, "Harvey would love this place." And at first i'm like, "What are you talking about?" but then i realize there are little birds everywhere. So Dad's like, "We're giving them the crumbs." Then before my mom can even take the last bite of her pastries he grabs her plate and is like, "Nanc, you're hiding a fucking gold mine over here." and dumps it all on the ground scaring the birds. Then he's like, "Don't be afraid guys, eat up!" and like the fucking bird charmer, they all come back and have a feast. True story.
   Eventually, after passing through a thunderstorm, we arrive at the gardens which are just fucking phenomenal. So worth everything that has happened so far today (which includes crazy driving and Sheryl Crow). Of course i take pictures of everything because i'm telling you this place was nuts, and not at any one point was i like, "Oh, i've already got that." or "That doesn't need to be captured in picture form." Because it did, all of it. That's when Phil was like, "What are you gonna call this blog, '1000 pictures of trees?'" Yes. That's what i'm calling this blog. Also here's the irony, here's the fucking slap. Are you ready? Nanc lost the camera cable. So here i sit with One Thousand gorgeous fucking pictures of trees, and lily-pads, and Italian water gardens, and tree houses, and fountains, and topiary, and Japanese dog woods, and whatever else herbology related phenomenon (i used that word twice) you can think of with no fucking way to show them to you. We think the cable's at her work, here's hoping.
 So we walk about half the gardens, and have no idea what time it is, but the parentals are tired, and there's this nice restaurant in the middle, so we hit that shit up. My mom stops at one point and is like, "Is that aloe?" and my dad's like, "Allo, can we go to the restaurant already." Which was one of many terrible tree jokes of the day, I wish we could remember them all for you because they were priceless. At one point Phil takes a drink out of one of the water fountains and is like, "This is ice cold, like the movies! This place is fucking perfect down to the foot petal toilet flusher." Couldn't have said it better myself. 
 So we eat, and i do end up getting to try a dogfish head Raison something, which is really good and my parents have peach sangria (that tastes like arbor mist) to celebrate their anniversary. We finish lunch, and we're all fucking beat. We try to guess the time, and my mom's like, "It's gotta be like 5." But it's actually 3:07. So we go watch the fountain show, which is nice, but would have been so much cooler if we were there for the night one. Then we head home, and i find out we take the longest route possible because we avoid toll roads, which is oBviously worth the extra gas. I stole some pictures from their website because i thought you should at least see what this place is like, but oh man mine are soooo awesome. Hopefully i'll be able to show you one day... one day.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Homemade Ricotta, bitches!

   That's right buddy, homemade-fucking-ricotta, because that's how i roll. So i got home at like 11am (here's a tip: when pouring sweet tea vodka into two snapples, don't use the hole bottle.), and Phil was of course having his morning coffee in the gazebo (because that's how he rolls.), but anyway he was like, "Hey kid, there's some beer in the fridge for you because your mother decided to bring a 12 pack to a kegger and make me look like an idiot." Which 1: awesome. and second, why were my parents at a kegger you ask? I just don't know, and for the life of me i cannot comprehend how that situation could even remotely present itself to them, but at a kegger they were and now i have some "good" (haven't tried it yet) beer, so wins all around!
  Anyway, i was like, "I really want to cook some shit (not literal)!" and he was like, "Oh, there's a half a roast chicken sandwich in the fridge." and i was like, "No, i want to cook." and he was like, "There's cereal." and i was like, "You're not hearing me." and he was like, "I could make some fak-i (lentil soup)." and i just walked away at that point. The end. 
  So I saw this in Smitten Kitchen last week, and got SUPER excited. Then DPL was like, "that would go perf with the roasted veggie sandwich i made, and an idea was born. i get back from the grocery store, and start making it:

3 cups whole milk
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 tsp sea salt

Heat to 190 degrees
turn of heat, add:
3 tsp fresh squeezed lemon juice

Let sit 5min, strain in cheese cloth (paper towel because you're a fucking moron and you forgot to pick up the one thing you went to the grocery store to buy) for one hour:

Meanwhile roast some squash and red peppers. Just brush with good olive oil, salata y peppery, and roast for about 20min on each side. My yellow squash broke a bit in the rabanador, big fucking surprise.

Anyway, then Phil comes in and is like, "Oh, you're cooking?" and i'm like... "yeah." and he's like, "Why are you baking the veggies?" and i'm like, "You've got to be fucking kidding me." and he wasn't. So instead of roasted veggies it's a baked veggie sandwich, and i need pay more attention to things.
  Make sure you go out and buy yourself some good, fresh bread because you just fucking made homemade ricotta, and enjoy every bite, because it's incredible. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Walnut Brown

So today i bottled my brown ale. I let this one sit a little longer in the fermenter because i was curious/lazy, but today Nanc was like, "Can you bottle your fucking beer already?" and i was like "yes." So i woke up, drank some coffee, took a shower, and was told that "Phil made the lawnmower smoke, but don't worry he added more oil and should be fine." But then he came in holding a metal piece and was like, "Hey, this just fell off, is it important?" and it wasn't, but can we keep the lawn mower in one fucking piece for a day?? Also he took the belt off of it again for i don't know what reason. I mean seriously. So then i went back to sleep for an hour (literally one hour after i woke up) then i came down to bottle and nanc was walking around the kitchen in her bathing suit with the straps stuck under her arms making banana bread, because how else do you? Anyway this beer tastes awesome, and then this stuff happened:

siphoned and bottled, BAM! And i was just writing this when Nanc busted in and was like, "Are you making labels?" and i was like, "No, we'll just have to wash them off." and she was like, "MAKE LABELS. They'll come off in the dishwasher." All in her no nonsense voice, so i was like, "Fine." because i'm being totally unnecessarily agro today, and she was like, "Use a good font." and walked off. So here Nanc:

labels. Perf. In two weeks this beer is going to be heaven in a bottle, which is just what i need to get through life. The end.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

It's Father's Day!!

Ugh, where to begin?? First off i got a new camera because my friend LK is probs the coolest person in the world... after me of course. Anyway it has this awesome monitor on the front so you can take shots like these:

oBvs my parent's don't know how to stand still, what can you do? Also could i get myself at a worse angle? probably. I named him SAM because when you upload pics they come out SAM 00000019 or some number. Anyway Nanc, you can take your camera and shove it! (but also thanks for dealing with me using it for the past 6 months).

So yesterday was CRAZY. And i mean really. It was LMast's bridal shower and her family is literally insane, especially her aunt who proceeded to grab huge empty wine bottles the size of my torso, and knock butter knives against them to make toasts like, "Lauren's my god niece!" and "Get a pre-nup!" In front of her fiance's entire family. Awesome. Also bridesmaid-zilla was crazily bossing me around all night, and i was too buzzed to be taking that shit. I almost decked her, but on another note, she totally TCBed the shit out of that shower, so 6 in one, half a dozen and all that. I told popou i was going to a shower and he was like, "You and your showers, just don't use all the hot water!" and then a series of how short/long showers should be and how certain people take forever. Oh Popou.

Anyway i went home and slept then went over to meet LMast's new kitten Jerry. Adorbs!

He's a stray kitten from the millions of tabby's outside who had an eye infection, so they saved him. Also her entire house in under construction, so only the Mast's would find that time totally approps to adopt a kitten, but hey! i'm not complaining. I need to take a sec to describe Mrs. Mast to you, because one word: Classy. Think 1950's house wife but totally glamored out. Just wonderful. Also has one million cats living outside, and therefore crazy classy cat lady.

LMast got that shirt at her shower and it says "Jersey Girl: I don't pump gas." And since she makes comments like, "I don't go outside." or "I don't run." it fits perfectly.

OKAY!! back to father's day! Can i say me and DPL just got my dad the most amazing present ever? I've been planning it for like 6 months, but TOTALLY worth it. 

Words can't even describe. Anyway he LOVES it. I went with the upper Maker's Mark 46 because i've been dying to try it/full size bottles don't fit into the globe, which i'm a little TOed about, but life's not perfect. No shit.

Nanc has been making Phil pee around the yard because apparently it keeps deer away, but he totally hates doing it. Anyway the rain has made our bird bath like sink into the ground so when he saw it while we were putting pop's gift together he was like, "Is this your gift to me Nanc, a urinal? you shouldn't have." 

She actually got him a speaker dock for his ipod, which he's ecstatic about, but doesn't' know how to use at all. He doesn't even know how to use his ipod actually. Anyway at least we don't have to listen to the crappiest speakers attached to a 2 dollar disc man anymore. Good call Nanc.

We got popou this canopy:

Which is a piece of shit. I can't even begin to tell you how much of a bitch this was. You know when you're doing something and you're like, 'i do NOT want to be doing this right now, but i absolutely have to." This canopy.

Anyway it's alright now, and it'll keep him dry when he smokes cigars in the rain. "DPL" and i also got him a shirt and hat from SF. Really though my dad bought them like 2 years ago and never gave it to him. Anyway he opened it up and i was going to take a pic, but dad was like, "Hold up the shirt." and this is what he did:

I just want to give him a big hug. Also i got him a godiva filled raspberry chocolate bar, and he was like, "I love this chocolate, why only one?" Anyway Nanc made french toast for breakfast with this Amaretto sauce that was simply to die for.

And i made coffee:

And life is good.

Hope you all have a wonderful Father's Day, especially if you're actually a father. Anyway Phil, you're the best dad in the world, and i love you more then that phrase or a globe bar can ever say.