Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Nothing like a dive bar on a Sunday Afternoon.

 So i just went through this epic wedding, which was undoubtedly fabulous, and deserves to be written about, fo sho. This was my total intent yesterday, but instead i spent the day eating chips and watching Lady Gaga videos, no regrets. Today i realized maybe i'm just not ready to write about this experience yet. I mean it was just so much and i don't want to leave anything out. Instead i'm going to tell  you about the day after, which was fabulous in the complete opposite way.

I get this call from KMac and she's all, "I miss your face! meet me at The Inn Crowd at 2." which (unspoken) will actually be 2:30. Unfortunately for once in my life i get there on time, and decide to zone out in my car to The Bends. So then Fake Plastic Trees comes on, and i'm just lying back contemplating my lfe (because that's what you do when that song comes on) and suddenly BAM! I shoot the fuck up and KMac is staring at me with an evil ass grin pounding on my window, bitch. Anyway time to wake the fuck up to reality, which is actually a bunch of bikers, one of which is in an american flag jacket something akin to this little ditty:

 And they're sitting on their bikes, then they start up their engines, and (i shit you not) american flag pumps up his radio and no other song but the one and only sweet home alabama is playing, of cOUrse! So this is already a good day.

Anyway we bust out to Caldwell, where i've never been, to the ringside, where i've never been. In the process we get completely lost because of road closures, and my lack of direction abilities (well both of our lack of direction abilities). At this time i should probably point out to you that i managed to take my hair down the night before, but passed out in all my makeup (cause i'm classy like that), so i look amazing.

Who took that picture laur? (basically you're going to see a ton of pictures of me today, i apologize in advance for the narcissism). Anyway as the Alkaline Trio cover of the Muppets Movin' right along states: Getting there is half the fun, come share it with me:

Oh yeah. So finally we make it to the Ringside, and there's a baby there... in a bar. Sweet. So at some point LK texts me and I'm like, "Come hang out with us." and i send her this pic:

 And she's like, "I can't, but don't do anything retarded... well anything else retarded."

So then we wander off to find this other bar Cloverfield and instead we find:

 That happiness is always in season. Life lessons! Then we find a garden:

Uh-oh, competition!!

Eventually we find this place which is actually called Cloverleaf, and is really awesome.

Stained glass, coffered ceilings, good beer, dog fish head coasters, what else could you ask for?

How about a bathroom door that looks like you're working in a detectives office! So i took this pic, and ended up in this waitress's way, and was all, "Sorry, just taking a picture of the office." And i think she thought i was crazy, which is then what i proceeded to tell our bartender, but about kmac (sorry bro). And then he was like, "ok." and we were like, "You're cool, come hang out with us!" and then we got his number, ran into some 5 years olds in a jazz band, bought peanut m&m's and went to some other bar in South Orange.

So i'm like, KMac, want some peanut m&ms." and she's like, "Ok." so i hand her one, which she immediately spits out and is like, "What, are you trying to poison me? I hate peanut m&ms." Which, OKAY, then don't take them! I mean i specifically said, "Do you want some Peanut M&Ms?" dUh.

This bar is like, alright. I mean it was really full of a bunch of douches who we ended up talking to for no reason, but also this guy Chris, who's a restaurant owner down the street, and talked to me about soccer (also he likes plaid shirts, which oBvi i'm a fan).

So then we went to the Gas Light which was empty, and i started to fall alseep (Which apparently i do whenever i go there? I just don't know.) But then we went to KMacs, and i woke up on the couch with two animals staring at me from either side, and just before i can remember where i am, Every Rose has it's Thorn starts playing, and i answer my phone and it's KMac. So i'm like, "Wanna go to breakfast?" and she's like, "Yes." and then we did, and we wandered around this cool grocery store (because apparently that's what we do on our days off) with awesome soda choices. and i was like, "I can't wait until i move here." and KMac's all, "Yeah, you can just pop in, grab a soda!" Which, not exactly what i was talking about, but true! Then she drove me back to my car, the end.

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