Wednesday, February 4, 2015

We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.

      Life! I'm pretty sure we're taking about life here. I'm almost positive. almost. Fucking Hemminway and shit. Also fucking life and shit... am i right??

This is where I start stuff:

...and sometimes finish it (Hey! like this blog post i started two weeks ago and you to post on twice a week. Remember that? The golden age.) Because i fucking love making things, dUh. oBvioulsy. Anyway: i've got like one hundred projects going on like lamps and sewing and collages and moon jars and:

Silk Screening! Boom.

This is something i've been trying to do for a while...  forever... 2007. At the time  i was working at a post house in SF, and my friend Kat was like "There's this silk screening class..." and i was like, "What's that?" then, "Let's go" and then i didn't. True story.

But also i've been talking about doing it for the last six months, and gradually picking up the supplies. So actually i was going to do my laundry but:

no one disturbs Harvey. motivation attained.

The last two things i needed was a t-shirt and fabric for the screen. So first i went to target to get a trendy travel coffee mug and since Michael's is near by it was like the heavens shown through the sky, lighting a path to a crafty haven where all my silk screening dreams could come true.

Except they don't sell fabric, who knew? So instead i bought a black t-shirt which was perfect until i realized i bought black shirt paint. Cool. No point in going to Michael's whatsoever. probably just street lamps anyway.

Luckily i had to go to Joanne fabric anyway for fabric (duh) and got some nylon that will hopefully work for my screen (but i don't know because you have to get the right gauge, and that's too complicated for me/it wasn't listed), so i picked up a grey shirt. Also they have crazy sales.

4 dollars! (two paper routes).

So then i actually had to build the screen. Phil was wondering around the house like, "give me something to do," so i did.

Also fucking nature, right?

It's like a giant ice cup that you'd never want to drink out of.

Anyway, Phil cut the wood perfectly on the lines i gave him, just like we all knew he would. Also the batteries for the screw gun were dead, so i just stapled it. Wa-la!:

Perfect. (clearly a Pappas production) Also now i can make the vale i've always dreamed of! (jk, jk.)

so then i built a light box out of about 50 cents of aluminum foil and 12 dollars of packaging tape (figures not accurate).

If you want to learn to silk screen yourself i used this website.

Now i just need a dark room. Luckily there's a creepy attic off my room which is perfect for darkness and horrifying children. (I don't even want to talk about the sounds that come from these walls at night)

It even has the fan they say is good for drying the photo emulsion paint for the screen (like it was meant to be).

So i started painting the screen, and of course it's just dripping through, and of course Nanc comes up to use the computer and is like, "What the fuck are you doing now?" and of course i'm covered with paint and of course she's like, "Lauren, the printer doesn't work." And of course it doesn't. This is the life and times of Lauren Pappas after all. But it actually does work if you know how to use a computer, which one of us does.

My screen was not getting covered at all in paint and i was like, "I failed!" but *spoiler alert: everything was okay... maybe.

You have to let your screen sit for a few hours in pitch dark, so in the meantime i made breakfast oatmeal pumpkin cookies i found on pintrest. All you need is this (salt not included):

Except raisins, cause fuck them. Am i right? 

Also totally passed the time watching Phil in his natural habitat.


Ta-da! (except really i had another 2 hours so i binge watched girls).

So this next part i can only talk about because it had to happen in the dark, and in this case, the pitch dark of night (aka 6pm). I put the transparency and a piece of glass over it into the light box, threw a beach towel over it, and turned on the light box. Because i used 40 watt bulbs, it should only take 16 min...

and there was nothing. So i left it for half an hour and: 

Nothing. I was like, "What the fuck?" So i asked this girl at work who's like an artist and stuff and she was like, "Um... did you wash it?" And no, cause why would i do that? that requires, like, following the directions.


So it sort of worked, but it all sort of didn't. 

I mean clearly there's an image there, but there's also a ton of bubble holes for paint to slip through:

Also the photo emulsion paint totally dripped through the bottom.

Needless to say, this isn't going to work. Smaller gauge, longer burn time, wash the screen. To be continued.

So clearly now I'm a master silk screen-er. clearly. Nailed it. But if Hemminway's right, then we are all just apprentices in this great circle of life. 

NaaaaaaAAAA siBenyA! Na ba ti sicha pa...
sitchiko benya, oh yeah benyaaaaaa...

1 comment:

  1. This kinda looks like someone went on Double Dare and got their shirt tie-dyed with slime. Also, you need to encase that silk screen frame Dad made in glass to preserve its glory for future generations.
