Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Knish

Hey, what do you guys think about ads? I mean, duh they're stupid, but apparently you can make a little money off this shit if you use them, and you can decide where they are on the page. I'd probably blog more then, but eh, i dunno. I hate ads. 

Anyway... Knish! This recipe is from Smitten Kitchen, and is not altered at all except i added bacon, which is kind of sacrilegious. So if you want the recipe, follow the link. I have to speed through this because we have company coming, and I've been informed that i need a shower. 

Bam! Wet and dry ingredients mixed:


Wash Leeks and Kale! Later you'll saute with the bacon.

While drying, boil some potatoes, huzzah! Toss in cream cheese.

add saute.

Roll out your dough, then put some stuff on the bottom:

Roll it:

Like a cigarette! (That's seriously what smitten kitchen lady says) Then twist every 3 inches (theoretically):

Like a sausage! Then Phil was like, "What a good idea."

They're kind of random sizes:

Egg wash!

(mini whisk!)

And Bake! But make sure you seal the bottom before you do, or:

Blah! (they explode.) They kind of look like vomiting pacmen, but no worries, shove that crap back in, and:

Good as new. No, seriously...


Friday, March 23, 2012

Hungry? Games?

Guess what i just saw... The Hunger Games!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH. Listen, i've been waiting for this movie forever. Forgive the enthusiasm. But! i saw it today, and let me tell you, it did not disappoint. Stanley Tucci is just perfection (well, when isn't he?) and even Woody Harrelson was surprisingly awesome. Go!

Did you know Kumquats are not in season? Well i didn't... which sucks because i know where to get some but was not in the mood to drive forever. Anyway this squelched my first blog plan, then i was gonna knish, but we got home from the movie and Nanc was like, THE KITCHEN IS MINE, whatever. She's making potato leek soup:

Since we don't waste in the Pappas house she boiled the ends of the leeks in the water for broth:

before sauteing the others that actually go in the soup.

 Also Phil practically shoved coldcuts down our throat because, "they were about to go bad" but also because he already set them out, and we were like, "sorry, not hungry." and he was like, "Um, yeah you are." So we each unnecessarily ate a sandwich.

So meanwhile since i'm not allowed to cook i was like, "dad, want to play gin rummy?" and he was like, "duh." then mom was like, "deal me in!" and i was like, "didn't you just kick me out of the kitchen because you wanted to make soup?" and she was like, "i can do both!" We'll see.

So i made us all Gin and Tonics because we're playing Gin, except dad wanted to drink the left over beer which has attended 3 different bbq's and has been iced and re-warmed about that many times. We call in "Popou Beer." But i guess dad felt bad and thought he needed to take care of a couple (I got these suction cup drink identifiers for Christmas that we try to use as often as possible).

He's pointing out the beer, in case you couldn't tell which one it was. So when i comes to Gin i prefer Bombay Sapphire, but Nanc is a Tanquery fan, so guess which one we keep in the house: 

Anyway, we start to play, and dad's like, "Lauren, what are my top 5 movies?" and i'm like, "Casablanca is #1, then Notting Hill and Sabrina are in there." and mom's like, "Gone with the Wind!" and Dad's like, "I love it, but i can't watch it over and over again, so it didn't make the fab five." then Nanc is all, "Just deal already."

And i'm like, "take a chill pill Nanc." But really, "What are you favorite movies mom?"  So:

1. Out of Africa (Haven't seen)
2. Dr. Zhivago (Haven't seen)
3. Gone with the Wind
4. A Fish Called Wanda
5. The Birdcage (except if you're fancy: La Cage Aux Folles)

1. Casablanca
2. Notting Hill (ha!)
3. Johnny Agar (though could not find on google)

1. Amélie
2. Moonstruck
3. Gosford Park

If you noticed the font change, it's because i don't know how to spell Amelie. Nobody actually asked me what my favorite movies were, but i thought i'd just share (oBvi i'm undecided). Then the conversation turned to Robin Hood (as it inevitably will) and Phil was like, "I've never seen the Kevin Costner Robin Hood." Um, i call B.S. on that one Phil, but regardless that turned into the plan of the night.

So the soup...

Yeah, we'll just have to wait until tomorrow on that one folks, turns out playing Gin and making soup simultaneously isn't as easy as it sounds. No worries though, cause we were force fed sandwiches after watching a movie about starving villages. And hey! Now tomorrow we can have Leek Knishes and Potato Leek Soup! I mean what pairs better together then the exact same ingredients? Nothing.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

St. Gym-main

Yesterday i came home and went into the bathroom, and there was Nanc (she doesn't believe in locks). So i went to the other bathroom, and while i'm in there there's a knock on the door:

Me: Yes?
Nanc: I'm done with the other bathroom if you want to use it.
Me: No, i think i'll just stay here.

How nice has the weather been? I mean beautiful. Last night when i was going to bed (at, like, 7) we all decided that tomorrow we'd sit outside and have cocktails. So today i made one of my favorites: The St. Germain Cocktail.

I get home from work and Nanc is like, "I'm going to the gym with Eileen and Carol at 5." and i was like, "Ok, we can have cocktails when you get back." and she's all, "Why wait? we can have a quick one now." Oh that Nanc.The she was like, "Make the quiche while i'm out." ...thanks.

Fill some glasses with ice:

But first! slice your lemon (of if you forgot to buy them, lime) twists. Like a pro!:

 or just hack away at a lime until you get three decent looking ones, oBvi fruit cutlery is not my specialty (with the exception of peaches, i can fucking cut those like a boss). Pour 1 1/2 part St. Germain (or a little more if you love is), 2 parts Champagne, and 2 parts club soda into a glass. Stir:

 Don't have any club soda?  No problem, just omit the ice and you've got yourself a St. Germain and Champagne! Which, is equally delicious but slightly less refreshing. Anyway... add twist, and: Wha-la!

Fucking delicious, right Phil?

Right. Harvey could care less (she probably didn't have any club soda). 

But Nanc is appeased. Then Harvey started acting adorable:

And i was like, "Pose for the camera Harvey!" And she was like:


So there you go! The perfect refresher after a long day at work or right before you go to the gym.