Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Soup and Other S's

You know what i love? Food. And "i'm hungry. Somebody feed me, because i'm hungry!" (i don't remember what that's a quote from, but it is, and i say it all the time, and nobody gets it, so i laugh to myself. i laugh, and i laugh).

First soup. I had these left over french onion toasts with gruyere i made for our new years gathering yesterday. There from the new Smitten Kitchen Cookbook. Plus i was just given these new oven safe ceramic dishes i wanted to try out (Spoiler alert: they're awesome).

I wasn't sure which side to put facing up, so i did both ways and threw some Parmesan cheese on top.  Put that shit in the broiler, and move on. (also heat up the soup before you add the toasts).

Sandwich time:

Cajan turkey on foccachini roll with: white american, deli mustard, bacon, and avocado for some greenery. oBvi i made a health food pledge for the new year. Make sure you season the avocado because it tastes good that way. That's a damn fine sandwich.

But wait! Panini, son. 

 If you're using the old school pan/lid approach, make sure you heat both up individually on the stove top, then turn down the heat when your panini-ing you're totally awesome deliciousness or you'll end up with one undercooked side and the other totally burnt as i've learned from past experiences. (also grease your pans). Don't forget about you soup, or the toasts will just get black and you'll have to throw them out except for two that aren't so burnt, so you just push them down into the soup so nobody notices.

Now that's a damn fine Panini. 

i'm gonna eat it and watch these two documentaries i got from the library. It's good to remind yourself about the world's problems sometimes so you can actually get excited about picking up game of thrones again and hiding in a world of fantasy for 3 chapters before you once again remember that it's over detailed and long and you just can't get yourself to pick it up again for several months. Maybe i'll just watch the tv series. 

Hot coffee is about the lady who spilled McDonalds coffee on herself, sued the company, and was rewarded 2.9 million dollars (but actually $480,000), and how she actually does have these gross third degree burns, and has to get like skin grafted and stuff, and is actually the 700th person to fight them because all she asked was that they pay for the medical bills because the coffee was actually way to hot for McDonalds own written standards, and how industries (specifically the tabacco one) try to pay state legislators to pass laws about frivolous lawsuits against them thereby obstructing our freedoms, and denying justice. It's actually kind of boring, because they make their point in 2 mins after giving you a guilt trip about the old lady and her coffee.

ugh you know when your stomach is kind of gargaling and you know somethings just not right? Also i got this fortune cookie this morning.

Which is why i'm making baked ziti for dinner (in a skillet!).

Secrecy is about how the government keeps secrets - no shit. i'll let you know.

But first this video. I watch it probably 7 (teen) times a day. I also watch clips of an old British reality show on youtube, because i just can't help myself.

I love you, Samantha Barks.