Monday, October 29, 2012

Storm Watch 2012: SANDY!

There's a storm a comin'! and let me tell you guys "A hard rain's a gonna fall." You may have heard... But in the mean time i'll "rock you like a hurricane!" with my awesome blog because, we had to be prepared for "When the rAins came." I mean, "Have you ever seen the rain?" because i want to know. And at least it's not "red rain," i mean that would just be ridiculous. But in the mean time, "this is the story of hurricane" or at least the beginning of one because, "Baby when the lights go out," it will be sort of hard to blog.

But don't worry! We're prepared. Taped windows!

 If they have to come evacuate us all they'll see is bloody hand prints.

What do smart people eat during a hurricane?

Smart Food. Ha! and copious amounts of comfort (junk) food.

Or maybe that's just my excuse for buying nothing healthy this shopping trip.

Fire wood! 

Note the safety door (our fireplace sort of had an accident last week, perfect timing).

"Walk'n on walk'n on broken glaAasss!" But no worries, out landlord was a peach and came in yesterday afternoon to put the new door in. (That's how long i've been working on this blog.)


Bat pinata!

You just can't weather a hurricane without one (we were supposed to have a little halloween get together before Sandy shat all over it). It's funny how shopping for a hurricane is kind or similar to shopping for a party. A camping party!

Candles bitches!

 And every other lighting device known to man. I'm really excited about the glow stick bracelets in particular.  (we had to get to target when they opened yesterday at 8am because flashlights and batteries are high in demand.) They got in four flashlights yesterday (really, 4?) and we bought three of them (cause we're not THOSE jerks who take them all). Good thing we were the first people to reach that section.

Meanwhile, in other survival supplies:


 Remember you gotta finish off the cold stuff first with power loss.


Because warm beer? where are we, England?

And for when all else fails:

liquor. Hey, it could be weeks!

Originally i just came home with a case of water, two bottles of wine, and a ritter sport, but my room mate was like, "i don't think that's gonna cut it."

The water's already started rising up the coast, and emergence evacuations are in effect for half my county. Also because there's a full moon tonight the tides are supposed to be even worse. Which... sucks. Especially since it would have been awesome to have an almost full moon (waning gibbous, if you will) on Halloween. I know! instead let's have a shit load of water, and destruction. That's a fair trade.

Seriously though, we're in a safe-ish area, so no worries. For all of you who are effected by this, remember: Be smart, be safe, and good luck. Also shower while you can.

In the meantime i think i'll just curl up on the couch with coffee and a warm blanket and watch the storm.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

21 ways to use a book light: a novella by Phil Pappas

I'm not actually sure there are 21 ways to use a book light, but if there are, Phil will find them.

Reason #1

Grilling burgers after sunset. Also: wearing the emperor's cloak (It's actually a sweatshirt with the sleeves tucked under... for reasons unknown).

I didn't really do anything today, if you want to know the truth (well i sort of worked on bat pinata, but that's another blog).

This weekend Nanc and i saw two movies (can you believe it?!) The first of which was Argo, which was very good. It's one of those incidents in history that you're like, "Really?" Like finding out Hinkley's reason for the attempted assassination of Richard Nixon was to impress Jodi Foster. I mean, really? (yes.)  Anyway emotions about Ben Affleck aside, it was very watchable.

When i was in California we often went over to my cousin's houses for dinner/movie nights. Sometimes on these nights i would pick a not well known movie, and my cousin's developed the title of "Lauren Movies" aka: movies nobody would have seen if i hadn't brought them into their lives (not necessarily a good thing). 

 When Nanc and i walked out of the theatre and she exclaimed, "Well, that was an interesting movie." i knew the "Lauren Movie" had struck again. But you have to understand that they're not bad movies, they're just movies that don't appease the masses, but to speak to those willing to listen... or sometimes they're just bad indy films that have a soft place in my heart ("All I Want").

The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, in my opinion, was lovely. That being said i'm also a huge fan of the book (it's almost like i wrote a blog about it), and Emma Watson: the only Emma i'll always be crazy about (wait... except Emma Stone. Duke it out ladies).

Seriously though, some of my favorite quotes ever:

"There's nothing like deep breaths after laughing that hard. Nothing in the world like a sore stomach for the right reasons." 

 "Everyone else is either asleep or having sex. I've been watching cable television and eating jello."

 "Maybe it's good to put things in perspective, but sometimes, I think that the only perspective is to really be there."

“We accept the love we think we deserve.” 

"Enjoy it. Because it's happening."

"Just tell me how to be different in a way that makes sense." 

"You can't just sit there and put everyone's lives ahead of yours and think that counts as love. You just can't. You have to do things."

"And in that moment, I swear we were infinite." 

Really i could go on all day, the point is see the movie, or read the book, or do what you're going to do, but do it, because it's so much better then not doing it. Exactly.